AT&T "You will" parody comic

In 1994 I was drawing a comic strip for Creative Loafing in Savannah. The strip was called Clov + Hamm, and it featured two creatures who lived on a tiny planet with swiss cheese holes.
One of my favorite strips was a parody of the old AT&T "You Will" commercials. The ads featured glimpses into the future that we live in now.
The ads threw a bunch of darts towards the future with some hitting the mark and others hitting it slightly off center.
Here is a list of the future technologies they were going to bring us.
Have you ever:
- Borrowed a book from thousands of miles away?
- Wikipedia/Amazon/Google books/Project Gutenberg
- Crossed the country without stopping for directions?
- Google Maps
- Sent someone a fax from the beach?
- Wut? No one sends faxes anymore. Email a pdf!
- Paid a toll without slowing down?
- Electronic toll collection/Toll-by-plate
- Bought concert tickets from cash machines?
- Ticket kiosks/Online ticket sales
- Tucked your baby in from a phone booth
- Skype
- Opened doors with the sound of your voice?
- Alexa
- Carried your medical history in your wallet?
- This one is still not here yet.
- Attended a meeting in your bare feet?
- Again Skype
- Watched the movie you wanted to, the minute you wanted to?
- Netflix
- Learned special things from far away places
- YouTube/MOOCs