Booyah Levels Up MyTown to 4.0!

My favorite location based app for the iPhone has just Leveled up to 4.0.0. The new version has Item Creation and Item Trading! They ( Booyah! ) also just collected $20 million in VC and are growing at a rate of 100,000 new users per week! I love this game! Check out the interview with Keith Lee and screen shots for the cool new features! You can also see more details on the Booyah Blog: What to Expect From MyTown 4.0:Part I What to Expect From MyTown 4.0:Part II

MyTown [Now With STAMPS!] That robot in the background rocks!

Items, Stamps, Parts and Trade! The interface you see when you click on Items.

Stamps are the new name for Items to decorate your properties with!

I don't have any Parts right now. Have to check what these are all about.

Looks like you can now trade items.

New Popup Menu for Tasks when visiting your town. Uprade, Comment, Sell, [Create Item!] and Edit Look now available in one click. Level of your property in a circle next to property name and some new icon on the upper right.

Looks like you can assemble something larger with parts you collect during check ins. I am guessing this is how you build that awesome robot from the splash screen?

This screen shot shows the funny Aziz Ansari item I got during a check in. Apparently he is hosting the MTV Movie awards on Sunday June 6th. Booyah is making the donuts!

My Screenshot upon reaching Level 42! < nerdy HGTG reference!