Your Guerilla Marketing Arsenal

I found this list from a page I clipped out of a magazine. It ends on item 198 so it may not be a complete list. Also I don't know how old the list is. It doesn't seem to have any social media mentions. I thought I'd share it here.
You don't need to use all of these weapons, but you do need to know about them. Some have to do with media or information, others have to do with your company's attributes and you and your staff's actions and attitudes. Experiment with several. Analyze how well each weapon fares, then ruthlessly cut those that aren't proving their worth.
- A marketing plan
- A marketing calendar
- Identity
- Business cards
- Stationery
- Personal letters
- Telephone marketing
- A toll-free number
- A vanity phone number
- The Yellow Pages
- Postcards
- Postcard decks
- Classified ads
- Per-order and per-inquiry advertising
- Free ads in shoppers
- Circulars and fliers
- Community bulletin boards
- Movie ads
- Outside signs
- Street banners
- A window display
- Inside signs
- Posters
- Canvassing
- Door hangers
- An elevator pitch
- A value story
- Back-end sales
- Letters of recommendation
- Attendance at trade shows
- Advertising
- Direct mail
- Newspaper ads
- Radio spots
- Magazine ads
- Billboards
- TV commercials
- A computer
- A printer or fax machine
- Chat rooms
- Forums
- Internet bulletin boards
- List building
- Personalized e-mail
- An e-mail signature
- Canned e-mail
- Bulk e-mall
- Audio and video postcards
- A domain name
- A website
- A landing page
- A merchant account
- A shopping cart
- Autoresponders
- A search engine ranking
- Electronic brochures
- RSS feeds
- Blogs
- Podcasting
- A personal e-zine
- Ads in other e-zines
- E-books
- Content provision
- Webinars
- Joint ventures
- Word-of-mouse
- Viral marketing
- eBay and other auction sites
- Click analyzers
- Pay-per-click ads
- Search engine keywords
- Google AdWords
- Sponsored links
- Reciprocal link exchanges
- Banner exchanges
- Web conversion rates
- Knowledge of your market
- Research studies
- Specific customer data
- Case studies
- Sharing
- Brochures
- Catalogs
- Business directories
- Public service announcements
- A newsletter
- Speeches
- Free consultations
- Free demonstrations
- free seminars
- Articles
- Columns
- Writing a book
- Publishing-on-demand
- Workshops
- Teleseminars
- Infomercials
- Constant learning
- Marketing insight
- Yourself
- Your employees and reps
- A designated guerrilla
- Employee attire
- Your social demeanor
- Your target audience
- Your circle of influence
- Your contact time with customers
- How you say "hello" and "goodbye"
- Your teaching ability
- Stories
- Sales training
- Use of downtime
- Networking
- Professional titles
- Affiliate marketing
- Media contacts
- A-list customers
- Your core story
- A sense of urgency
- Limited-time or quantity offers
- A call to action
- Satisfied customers
- A benefits list
- Competitive advantages
- Gifts
- Ability to take action
- PR
- Fusion marketing
- Barter
- Word-of-mouth
- Buzz
- Community involvement
- Club and association memberships
- Free directory listings
- A trade show booth
- Special events
- A name tag at events
- Luxury box at events
- Gift certificates
- Audio-visual aids
- Flip charts
- Reprints and blowups
- Coupons
- A free-trial offer
- Guarantees
- Contests and sweepstakes
- Baking or crafts ability
- Lead buying
- Follow-up
- A tracking plan
- Marketing-on-hold
- Branded entertainment
- Product placement
- Being a radio talk show guest
- Being a TV talk show guest
- Subliminal marketing
- A proper view of marketing
- Brand-name awareness
- Intelligent positioning
- Attention to detail
- A name
- A theme line
- Writing ability
- Copywriting ability
- Headline copy talent
- Location
- Hours of operation
- Days of operation
- Credit card acceptance
- financing availability
- Credibility
- Reputation
- Efficiency
- Quality
- Service
- Selection
- Price
- Upgrade opportunities
- Referral program
- Spying
- Testimonials
- Extra value
- Adopting a noble cause
- Easy to do business with
- Honest interest in people
- Telephone demeanor
- Passion and enthusiasm
- Sensitivity
- Patience
- Flexibility
- Generosity
- Self-confidence
- Neatness
- Aggressiveness
- Competitiveness
- High energy
- Speed
- Focus